, :
 ⇒   ⇒ Die Mitnahme von zwei Hunden...

Die Mitnahme von zwei Hunden

I habe heute gebucht 2 Tickets in der Business class fur Fluge Moskau - Venedig mit dem Zwischenstopp in Wien am 18 October. Bitte bestatigen die Moglichkeit der Mitnahme von 2 Hunden mit einem Gesamtgewicht von 8 kilogram. Moskau - Wien OS-602. Wien-Venedig OS- 529. Danke

" Austrian"  7


  7 17-05-2017T11:29:47

The Austrian requiers the following conditions are met for each pet up to 8 kg each on route Moscow - Vienna - Venice (1) the health certificate for each pet in Deusch/English (2) safety basket for each pet; the basket has to have enough space for a pet and to devide a paet from contacts with passnegers (3) payment of EUR50 for ecah pet on each leg of the route irrespective of a class. The Austrian asks a passenger, expecting a pet with him, to contact the Austrian office electronically or directly in order to book / to pay for the transportation of your pet.

Airlines Inform , 77-46317 26.08.2011. . .
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