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 ⇒   ⇒ exchange of tickets...

exchange of tickets

Dear employees of United Airlines! I am going to attend IEEE Pulsed Power conference 2021. It have to be in 2-6 June in Denver .But due to COVID-19 this event was brought the date to 12-16 December. Just I need to exchange my tickets for new date The electron number of my ticket is 0163786399216-217. It need to do within the next few days to book hotel and to get the USA visa (for an interview).I find out suitable the flights from Moscow, Domodedovo, December ,10, 07:05 am and back from Denver 5:42 pm December 16 and from Chicago 17 December 09:45 pm./ To conformation (if need you can call me by 89030098988 Best regards Oleg Egorov

" United Airlines"  4


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